TR Maxes pretty OP now but...

Discussion in 'Public Discussion' started by Eugenios, May 23, 2013.

  1. ZOE is worse. Expect a nerf gentlemen.

    Also NC in general pretty pissed about the Enforcer as much as you guys are about the Saron HRB. Works pretty well on the herraser though. Too bad for all the Vanny drivers who certed into it. Halbert person myself so i'm pretty much enjoying the tears of my own guys and the VS.
  2. AurelieGaia2

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    Those of us who bought halberds before they tripled in price are ok. The people who certed out the saron when it was a completely dissent weapon are understandably pissed - I assume it's the same for the Enforcer users!

    Isn't the ZOE max OP basically because of the warping shenaniganry when strafing? I've got to say that being lit up like a Christmas tree and taking a huge amount more damage are some potent disadvantages, with mobility being our upside; the damage output buff is negligible (~3-5% at level 1).
  3. JudgeDeath

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    ZOE is essentially just a "Im here kill me now" module. You are paperthin when lit up.
  4. SethBloom

    SethBloom Private
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    Yeah, it takes one decimator shot to bring you down to critical. But it's okay since you're like a max ninja from hell which dodges the missles.
  5. TronManForever

    TronManForever Lieutenant
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    the lockdown should have a bubble, like a sunderer - where they cant deploy inside the bubble, and make the bubble 1/3rd of the size of a sunderers bubble
  6. DoomPotato

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    It's harder to dodge bullets than missiles. From what I've read, you take double damage (or rather, your bullet damage resistance goes down by 20%) while it's active. This means that even with maxed out kinetic armour and at long range where damage drop-off is maximal (damage of 143), 44 bullets or 1.5 magazines from any 167-damage LMG or AR (read: most NC guns and the SABR-13) will kill you dead. 143-damage guns (most TR rifles and LMGs) need 49 bullets at maximum range, so that's 1.25 magazines.

    Alternatively, that's 3 magazines of Mag-Shot at point-blank range. Get up close and unload your pistol into our faces, NC. MAXes can't shoot stuff that's too close.
  7. Zealot MAX is glass cannon, is not overpowered because of speed, 3 people from different spots can machine gun you down easily.
  8. Tharindu

    Tharindu Sergeant
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    The zealot is good only at max level. I have a maxed kinetic armor and zeolite. I it a beast of a combo.
    However it only good at killing infantry before they react to you. e.i. Rush into a room and kill unsuspecting infantry, as soon you start getting damage, RUN!.
  9. Just saying that NC finds the ZOE more of an issue than the Lockdown at this point.

    We held the most overpowered CQC platform but it was one that filled a specific niche. Both VS and TR past the upgrade and with new abilities gained long to mid range advantage and close range parity with NC maxes that still lack as viable ranged options.

    Honestly though i'm digging all three faction max updates. The TR is good at cert farming and defensive play against enemy vehicles , the VS at explotation of weaknesses and the NC will be a raw infantry assault support platform for taking over enemy hardened positions.

    If it works as i think it will. I'll be in love with the NC one the most without actually ever needing to see it fire a single shotgun shell from it.
  10. Well said
  11. angeh

    angeh Donator

    the nc have probably got the worst max ability out of the 3 but imo that doesn't mean that the other two are OP. The whole extra damage to aircraft for us - is countered by the fact that the tracer rounds obscure a large chunk of the target meaning half the time we can't see the target :). We do take significantly more damage when its activated and are vulnerable to rockets/c4 - it doesn't move ridiculously fast - no faster than a normal inf. The reason why it may seem OP at the mo - is because our max has finally been made useful therefore everyones using it (will prbly soon wear off). Its just been double xp weekend so everyone has had the opportunity to cert it out :). If they buff your ability then that should even things out.
  12. Technically it doesn't need to move rediculously fast. It's a bigger target but infantry speed is no joke in CQC. How many encounters have you had where a single light infantry or infiltrator or even a heavy runs into your ranks and breaks the cohension of the squad. The 75 round clips on cosmos are godsend in this scenario too because while a scatter will eat up through both mags killing 2-3 people you'll be able to duracel bunny longer.

    All the complains about it being a possible one way ticket are no different from ours basically. To clear a room an NC max pre shield needed to rush into the shotgun distance leaving himself without ability to escape.

    The other day i think we were taking crossroads and two NC maxes were setting up a shield wall one floor above A point. Seemed fairly effective as means to let friendlies walk up the stairs without getting instaggibed. Considering that majority of them were pubs with one dude being on proxy chat telling others what to do. I got to say they were playing like organized outfit. My squad was one level below just covering A in case the blues got mopped up.

    The shield also seems to soak up a lot of damage. So as i said. While it won't get you kills chances are it will bring you victory. The possibilities at leading infantry assaults are really good.
  13. angeh

    angeh Donator

    extended mags are 112 :) yeah your shields are awesome if used right , unfortunately most ive seen arent using em right. yeah we can kill 5/6 quickly but charging.into.a room is a certain way to get killed. overall tr/vs should.nerf the anti air bonus but like you said they all have their uses just yours is more tactical then ours. the ability to clear a room of people isnt much better then a scat max, too many people in there and u die after killimg 6ish n you cant charge out like we used to.
  14. The ability to clear a room with one max is enough of a game changer dont you think?. I meen that's what people were complaining about when it came to NC maxes being OP. Besides even if we cert into slugs to achieve close-mid range we've still left with 6 per magazine fallowed by identical to shotguns reload time.

    The problem with giving a tactical ability to NC is because from the feel of things we've got most pubs and roamers on our side. Resulting in max shield remaining relatively useless asset while even noobs can roll with or without zoe and be effective and useful to the team. Same with TR max even without ability to lockdown.

    Other day played on TR alt. Got around 15 infantry kills with stock MAX, With NC stock i get usually at most 3-5 before i get hosed down.
  15. angeh

    angeh Donator

    ability to kill 4/5 guys in room quickly is what your maxes have the ability to do and now ours have it do. If i went into a room with 10 people I would die simple as. The scattermax time to kill - shotguns kill faster then normal guns - is shorter than ours so you can kill those 4/5 guys quicker then run. Our's takes a few seconds longer to kill thus giving the infantry more time to fight back. It's even more of an incentive for you to get organised and use the ability within your outfit. A guy on the forums summed it up best IMO, the zoe max vs organized platoons/squads isn't overpowered, a zoe max vs a bunch of randoms is OP because they lack they co-ordination to take it down, but thats the same with any max. Its far easier mowing down randoms with maxes then organized outfits.
  16. Yesterday we were pushing on TR positions with maxes in the open using shield within outfit setup. Was awesome!.

    We entered their field of view at around 200 meters and had max deploy a shield as we walked forward and when the shield was depleted another max from behind would come to the front with his while the first one would move to the back to recharge. Behind the max infantry fallowed in a line. I think we managed to close in the distance to 45 meters without taking any outfit infantry losses. Blues were blues so i'm not counting them getting killed.

    Like i've said. I think our ability is most useful one of the bunch for organized play but at the same time the vanu tears over their max are uncalled for because the multiple updates first to the guns and now with the ZOE ability have made it a good platform to pull to assist friendly squads. The fact that the range is also spectacular in comparison to ours now means that overal you see greater number anti infantry VS/TR maxes than you'll ever see NC ones in the open. The amount of maxes pulled by blues makes a difference in the long run and they are still a viable threat even if it's BR10 a stock VS/TR max while same can't be said about a BR10 NC one.

    We still have the CQC advantage against infantry and shield is great but let's not fool anyone here. The only people who will find great use of the shield are the outfits. When it come to blues fielding maxes ours pretty much useless.
  17. angeh

    angeh Donator

    As a zoe max in the open I feel very vulnerable to tank/ infantry fire - I run with cosmos short range wep - and Zoe maxes running across the fields say shoot me. I'm glad your starting to utilize your abilities effectively. the blueshift is the only max weapon good at range, if you.don't havr a viable range inf wep then giving you something.similar would help.
  18. Ice247

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  19. Zonalia

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  20. bleah, moar Vanu nerfs please, noobs are OP.
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