The Trident charter formally outlines outfit policy on various different matters, as well as defines the conduct that we expect from our members. All Trident members should read the charter fully, and should frequently check this page for updates and changes to the charter. Major changes will be announced on the forums.
Trident Outfit

General Code of Conduct
These regulations apply to all Trident members regardless of which divisions they have joined, if you become aware of a member who is breaching these regulations please inform a Councillor immediately.
Section 1: Gameplay
- Do not use hacks or unauthorized tools while playing any game.
- Do not exploit known bugs or glitches in any game.
- Obey the Terms of Service/Terms and Conditions of all games you play.
- Do not behave dishonourably towards your enemies, for example by performing kamikaze, karma griefing, suiciding to deny enemy players a kill, etc.
- Do not behave disrespectful to other guilds, clans, outfits, etc.
- Do not intentionally kill a friendly player under any circumstances.
- Do not farm experience or other rewards to the detriment of your team.
- Do not engage in any form of griefing regardless of whether you believe it is funny.
Section 2: Community
- Behave respectfully to everyone in the outfit (and guests) while posting on the forums or communicating with them through another method.
- Do not discriminate against others based on any factor (e.g. age, race, gender, sexuality).
- Do not troll others unless they are in on the joke.
Section 3: General Communications
- Do not make immature slurs over any public text chat such as "faggot gay noob". Humorous insults are allowed provided they are not meant to seriously offend other players.
- Do not insult teammates, regardless of whether you believe they are "noobs". If you see a teammate making a mistake, educate them!
Section 4: Voice Communications
- Stop talking and await orders/instructions when someone indicates you are to do so with a phrase such as "Check check" or "Comms".
- Do not interrupt someone already speaking.
- Do not rage or behave aggressively over voice communications.
- Do not clutter up operations/tactical channels with general chatter about the game, patches, glitches, guns, certs, vehicles, etc. (This rule does not apply to the series of Lounge channels on TS3).
- Ensure you use the appropriate voice channels when communicating information, try to limit your broadcast to only the people who need to hear it.
- Do not excessively use explicit language over voice chat.

Community Ranks
This section of the charter lays out all of the information regarding the main Trident ranking hierarchy which all Trident members hold a position on.
Section 1: Definitions
- Private is the initial rank awarded to new Trident members. The rank is retained as long as the user is a member of at least one game division.
- The rank of Sergeant is awarded to dedicated, long term members who have proven their loyalty to the outfit. Sergeants make up the dedicated core of the outfit. Sergeant is an honorary title and does not hold any authority or power within the community.
- The rank of Lieutenant is awarded to dedicated, long term members who have gone above and beyond for the outfit and have contributed in multiple, meaningful ways to the health of the community. Lieutenants are the trusted elite of the outfit. Lieutenant is an honorary title and does not hold any authority or power within the community.
- The rank of Director is attained only through taking an active role in the leading or administration of the outfit. They have a high degree of autonomy on how to accomplish their tasks and are considered to be extensions of the Council within their particular field. The rank is only held as long as the person holds their position.
- The rank of Councillor is held by members of the ruling body of Trident, The Trident Council.
- The rank of Ex-Councillor is awarded to former Councillors/Leaders who have stepped down from their position on amicable terms.
- The rank of Leader is the rank held by the chairperson of the ruling body of Trident, The Trident Council.
- The rank of Founder is a rank awarded solely to JudgeDeath (the original Founder of the outfit). No other person will ever hold this rank.
Section 2. Representation and Privileges
Please note that all ranks receive any privileges from lesser ranks as well as their own.
- Privates are coloured in orange on the site and have an orange icon beside their name on TS3
- Sergeants are coloured in red on the site and and have a red icon beside their name on TS3. They have access to the Sergeants+ Discussion forum. They also have access the Promotion Nominations system and can create temporary channels on TS3.
- Lieutenants are coloured in yellow on the site and have a yellow icon beside their name on TS3
- Directors are coloured in cyan (light blue) on the site and have a blue icon beside their name on TS3, they also have their full title after their name. They have access to the Directors Discussion forum, and the Directors channel on TS3. They are assigned Global Moderator privileges on the forums and can access all division forums, regardless of whether they are members.
- Councillors are coloured in lime green on the site and have a green icon beside their name on TS3, they also have Councillor after their name. They have access to the Council Discussion forum and the Council channel on TS3.
- Ex-Councillors are colour in purple on the site and have a purple icon beside their name on TS3, they also have Ex-Councillor after their name. They have the same access as Councillors.
- The Leader appears the same as Councillors.
Section 3: Promotions
- For a member to become a Sergeant he or she must first be nominated by a member holding the rank of Sergeant or above.
- After nomination all Sergeants and above are prompted to give their opinion through voting either "Agree", "Disagree" or "No Opinion", as well as write any comment they wish about the nominee. These votes and comments can only be viewed by the Council.
- The Council then makes their "final votes", taking the community feedback into consideration. A simple majority vote decides whether the promotion will be carried through. There are four voting options: "For", "Against", "Veto" and "Abstain". Any Councillor can veto the promotion.
- For a member to become a Lieutenant he or she must already hold the rank of Sergeant, otherwise the process is the same as outlined in part (iii).
- Promotions to Director, Councillor and Leader are performed solely at the discretion of the Council. For Division Directors see "Divisions and Supported Games" Section 1.

The Trident Council
This section of the charter lays out the method in which the ruling body of Trident, the Trident Council operates.
Section 1. Decision Making
- Any decision within the Council will be made with simple majority rule (no vetos). If the Council consists of an even number of members, the Leader's vote will count as 2 votes to avoid stalemates.
- Any decision within the Council pertaining to the use of Trident money shall use the same voting system except that all Councillors have the ability to veto the decision.
Section 2. Structure
- The Council shall always consist of at least 4 members. When additions to the council are deemed necessary or if one member retires the council shall convene and select a new Councillor. If the council consists of 4 or more members after a council member retires, the remaining council members may elect to not bring in a new Councillor.
- If the Leader retires the Council shall convene to select a new Leader. In the case of a stalemate the retired leader will make the final decision on their successor.
- When a Councillor or Leader retires, he or she will be given the honorary title Ex-Councillor. An Ex-Councillor has the right of full insight into Council Discussions, but they do not retain any voting rights.
- The Founder rank is only ever applicable to JudgeDeath. The rank gives the right to assume the Leader position at any time. If this right is ever exercised the Leader at that point in time will be demoted to Councillor.

Divisions and Supported Games
This section of the charter defines what divisions and supported games are and outlines their management procedures.
Section 1: Game Divisions
- Game divisions, hereafter referred to as "divisions", are subsections of the Trident community focused on particular games.
- Division provide an entry point into Trident. Upon joining a division, a user becomes a full member of Trident.
- Divisions maintain their own forum section and may have as many subforums as necessary.
- Divisions have Division Leaders who are the ruling authority within their divisions, only superseded by the Council.
- Division Leaders are appointed by the Council, and may be replaced or removed at any time if seen fit by the council. Upon appointment, Division Leaders receive an automatic promotion to the rank of Director.
- Division Leaders are required to inform the Council if they can no longer fulfill the role of Division Leader to the best of their ability.
- Division Leaders may appoint members to assist them in the management of their divisions if necessary, but must seek approval from the Council before appointing them.
- Divisions may be downgraded to Supported Games or phased out completely if mandated by the Council.
Section 2: Supported Games
- Supported games are games which have active Trident involvement and leadership, but lack full division status.
- Supported games do not provide an entry point into Trident, users must be prior members of Trident to participate in Trident activities in supported games.
- Supported games receive a single subforum under the Other Games forum section, they may not receive any additional subforums unless they are upgraded to full divisions.
- Supported games have Trident Representatives (hereafter referred to as "representatives") who act as leaders and coordinators for their games, only superseded by Directors and the Council.
- Representatives are appointed by the Council, and may be replaced or removed at any time if seen fit by the council. Representatives do not receive any automatic promotion upon appointment.
- Representatives are required to inform the Council if they can no longer fulfill the role of Representative to the best of their ability.
- Supported Games may be upgraded to full Divisions if seen fit by the Council. In this case, a Division Leader will be selected by the Council with input from the representative.
- Supported Games may be phased out completely if mandated by the Council.
PlanetSide 2 Division

Code of Conduct
These regulations apply only to members of the Trident PlanetSide 2 Division and are an addition to the General Code of Conduct.
Section 1: Alternate Characters
- There are no rules regarding alternate characters on servers other than Miller.
- There are no rules regarding alternate VS characters on Miller.
- Any alternate characters on Miller may not be used to gain any in game advantage, such as learning of planned events, spying on another outfit or faction.
- While playing other characters on Miller, you may not be in communication with anyone playing an opposition faction on Miller in any way (e.g. by being in a TS3 channel, contacting them in game, etc.)
- Do not advertise your membership of another faction or outfit on Miller publicly or recruit any Trident members to join it.
- Membership of another Faction or Outfit can be sufficient grounds to be removed from Trident if the Trident Council feels your membership of that group is not in the best interests of Trident, or that it violates any of the above articles.

PlanetSide 2 Division Ranks
This section of the charter lays out all of the information regarding the PlanetSide 2 Trident ranking hierarchy which all Trident PlanetSide 2 members hold a position on.
Section 1: Definitions
- Legionary is the initial rank awarded to new PlanetSide 2 Division members.
- The rank of Centurion is awarded to members who are active within PlanetSide 2 and frequently lead Trident squads (and the occasional platoon).
- The rank of Praetor is awarded to members who are very active within PlanetSide 2 and frequently lead Trident squads and platoons
- The rank of PS2 Director is for the Division Directors of PlanetSide 2, see Community Ranks, Section 1 (iv).
- The rank of Councillor is for active Councillors and the Leader, see Community Ranks, Section 1 (v) and (vii).
Section 2. Privileges
- Centurions and Praetors receive the ability to send invites to the PlanetSide 2 outfit in-game.
Section 3. Promotions
- Promotions for the PlanetSide 2 Division follow the same format as for the Community Ranks, see Community Ranks, Section 3 (i)-(iv), replacing Sergeant and Lieutenant with Centurion and Praetor respectively.