TR Maxes pretty OP now but...

Discussion in 'Public Discussion' started by Eugenios, May 23, 2013.

  1. RocDarkstorm

    RocDarkstorm Sergeant
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    Adding a bit of momentum seems reasonable, but I still dont get why people complain about it.

    Unless Im mistaken you loose 20% damage resistance which means your EHP is redused from 10 000 to 5000.
    Thats a huge tradeoff, even more if u consider kinetic armor.

    Stock max with kinetic armor has 16 000 EHP.
    If the ekstra 7.5% is static a ZOE max still only has 6153 EHP.

    Source: 1/(1-r) * HP =EHP (omg math) r= resistance (f.eks 0.8)

    I've gotten killstreaks up to 100 and above with dual blueshift, charge and regen, moving from base to base on foot. Playing it carefully and working as a team. On many occations ZOE would have gotten me killed without a doubt from bullets alone, but charge combined with more HP has saved me. If u ask me this is OP not the ZOE.
    There really isnt much I can do with the ZOE that I cant already do, to me it just isnt worth using, but its a fun ability.

    The biggest advantage I think as a whole is that players that normally wouldnt play a max because the slow movement doesnt suit their playstyle, now may actually bring it up more often which means more maxes on the battlefield.

    But we all know the TR and NC is allergic to purple and pink, so having this thing running around GLOWING I imagine it must be quite terrifying ^^
  2. Vincentiusx

    Vincentiusx Lieutenant
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    I think the nerf is very justified, high movement and strafing speed is often quite exploitable in FPS's due to netcode (don't ask me why though)
  3. DoomPotato

    DoomPotato Lieutenant
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    If we're going with max themes then this needs to be NC. Also as you might see there is no purple in the video. Only smurfs and barneys like it's meant to be played.
  5. Indeed. As we all know, VS don't have MAXes.
  6. angeh

    angeh Donator

    please the strafing ability nerf is pretty similar to.the.magrider strafe.abilty nerf and we all know what happened to.the mags ability and usefulness. but yeah as soon as we get anything good it gets nerfed ..
  7. Razorback007

    Razorback007 Private
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    Unfortunately the others have noticed VS doesn't have maxes too. There's a hell of a lot more TR/NC maxes on the field nowadays than before GU09.
    I can feel a new patch coming.. whether it'll be a + for the VS or a downgrade for the others.
  8. There's a hell of a lot more maxes overal in the field. Seen quite a few VS maxes. Seen a lot more of them in the open since the weapons buff. ZoE has increased the numbers even further.

    - The NC.

    Also i'm running my Vanguard with maximum level IR smoke, front armor, maximum level Rival Combat Chassis, Titan-150 HEAT, E540 Halberd. Where is my strafe?.
  9. you get the shield and I believe you can get damaged more, or absorb more damage
    the Vanguard is the tankiest of tanks, and to be honest seems the most appealing to me :)
  10. You cant have it. Its only for people using spandex :mrgreen:
  11. Not complaining. Rather Vanguard than ground effect into battle or ride the TR two barrel lightining.

    Also i don't get the Shield since IR Smoke. Didn't cert into it because it promotes a dangerous play where you over extend your frontal assault only to get in position where you can easily get flanked or the shield will only provide a seconds worth of respite before you're destroyed. Smoke seems like a good option currently after the introuduction of the Striker.

    Thus i deserve a strafe as much as Magrider deserves a gun run at the back with lolpods.
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