Winter time is here

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by TheCainer, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. TheCainer

    TheCainer Councillor
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    (holy cow, that image is bigger than I expected)

    As of last night, winter time is in effect and the clocks moved 1 hour backwards.
    So what? Well, first of all, if you forgot to chance your clocks, you will arrive at work/school 1 hour too early tomorrow morning.

    More importantly (for us) your timezone has shifted -1 hour compared to UTC (unless you live in a few select places like Antarctica). If you live in the UK, your timezone has changed from UTC+1 (= BST) to UTC+0 (= GMT). West-Europeans went from UTC+2 (= CEST) to UTC+1 (= CET), and so on. If you do not know your timezone, check

    Keep a close eye on the times for events like FNO and Bootcamp. If the UTC-time does not change, it means the event will now start 1 hour earlier. If the UTC-time does change and is moved 1 hour later, it means the event will still start at the same time for you.
    To avoid making mistakes, always check the linked Event Clock in the forumtopics. The clocks also automatically switched to winter time so they will show you the correct local time again (unless you messed up the clock of your computer/phone/tablet)

    Your local time traveler in training.

    PS Ice247, whatever it is you are going to say, I don't want to hear it.

    Edit: All events will be postponed to 20 UTC (FNO, training, scrims etc.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2015
  2. Zonalia

    Zonalia Councillor
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    As said in the edit FNO is postponed to 20:00 UTC on fridays
    so no change for us in europe
  3. DotHacker

    DotHacker Lieutenant
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    There goes our timelord.
  4. Now i understood Cainer... Thats why i was so confused that time. I tought UTC=GMT and at 19 utc i tought its gonna be 21:00 for me but it was 22:00.Thats why i had so much confusion... Know i know that it was the summer/winter times changing.
  5. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor
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    UTC (like war) never changes, GMT does however
  6. TheCainer

    TheCainer Councillor Councillor (Staff) Donator

    GMT doesn't change either. GMT is winter time for the Brits, equivalent to CET for the west-Europeans. During the summer Brits use BST, equivalent to CEST.

    (See, I can make short posts when discussing things)
  7. DotHacker

    DotHacker Lieutenant Donator

    Was that reference for ice?
  8. Zonalia

    Zonalia Councillor Councillor (Staff) Donator

    who are you and what have you done with cainer?

    but it is true what he said, BST goes to GMT in winter however its commonly confused by you folks on the mainland
    there is a technical difference between UTC and GMT but for all intents and purposes (that we use) they are equivalent.

    In summary, events will tend to take place at the same time in the timezone that you are in (as in Ops starts at 8 British, 9 Central european, ect) the only issue is if you are in a country that either has a different stance of the changing of the clocks (e.g US/any country that does not have DST)
  9. TheCainer

    TheCainer Councillor Councillor (Staff) Donator

    There are plenty of islanders who get it wrong as well, and they're the ones living there!
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