Warframe Change of Division Leadership

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by JackJack233, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. JackJack233

    JackJack233 Ex-Councillor
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    [​IMG] Warframe Division

    Our beloved TronManForever is stepping down as the Warframe Division Officer as he no longer feels that he can fulfil the role as he once could. Tron has been an integral part of Trident since the early days and the Warframe Division has grown to its current size only through his dedication and commitment. The Council would like to thank him for his excellent performance, and we hope he continues to play some PS2 and other games with us when he gets a chance.

    The Council has discussed new candidates and we have asked DoomPotato to take on the role of Warframe Division Officer (in addition to his current role as Minecraft Division Officer). He will be taking over with immediate effect and we're confident that the Warframe Division will continue its smooth sailing with its new captain.

    If any of you play Warframe or are considering starting to play, make sure you join the division and play with your fellow Trident members! You can join the Warframe Division here: http://tridentoutfit.com/index.php/divi ... n/warframe

    Trident Council
  2. slightjunky

    slightjunky Lieutenant
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    Gratz to doom, tiphat to tron.
  3. DoomPotato

    DoomPotato Lieutenant
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    Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    The clan pretty much runs itself - we already have quite a few people with the ability to invite, build and destroy dojo rooms and do research. Things really won't be much different to how the clan used to be over the past several months, with the exception of more grid patterns in the dojo (sadly, I can't go full Minecraft on it).

    Division-wise, there isn't really much scope for events and large-scale things which need organisation, as we can only have 4 people per game anyway. So yeah, expect me to be as quiet about Warframe as I am about Minecraft.
  4. TronManForever

    TronManForever Lieutenant
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    enjoy yourselfs guys :)
  5. Zonalia

    Zonalia Councillor
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    cheers for leading tron!
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