Warframe Division Leader Change

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ultimatox, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor
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    [​IMG] Warframe Division

    We would like to thank DoomPotato for his services as Warframe Division Leader these past four and a half months. Even though he steps down from this position he is still serving his 20 to life sentence role as Minecraft Division lead, so we won't be quite rid of him yet. :)

    To find a new Division Leader we asked for applications from those who wanted the position. Many thanks goes to those who volunteered. It shows that there are lots of people willing to step up to grow and improve Trident.

    In the end the Council voted to promote Ice247 as the officer in charge of Warframe. Next time you see Ice make sure you congratulate him on his new stars!

    If any of you play Warframe or are considering starting to play, make sure you join the division and play with your fellow Trident members! You can join the Warframe Division here: http://tridentoutfit.com/index.php/divi ... n/warframe

    -Trident Council
  2. DoomPotato

    DoomPotato Lieutenant
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    Congratulations, Ice247. May you survive longer than I did.
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