Sorry for the Downtime

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by JackJack233, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. JackJack233

    JackJack233 Ex-Councillor
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    We had a bit of downtime earlier due to an issue with my hoster (they corrupted my filesystem). Thankfully they keep backups and restored them for me a few minutes ago. The system is still slightly unstable so I am going to rebuild it (just to be safe) from scratch in a few days which will result in a few hours of downtime (Mumble, IRC, forums and site).

    Apologies for the inconvenience
  2. NightmareAI

    NightmareAI Sergeant
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    You are so dedicated, man! :) Thanks you for all your hard works to maintain and develop this amazing community :lol:
    Cheers :D
  3. Nightmare's right, you are dedicated. Thanks and there's definitely no need to apologise.
  4. DotHacker

    DotHacker Lieutenant
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    If you want to support jackx2 buy trident shirt from trident shop.

    jack get's 1€ from every bought thing for server maintenance.
  5. JackJack233

    JackJack233 Ex-Councillor Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    Actually, if you're doing it simply because you want to support then hold off, donations will be introduced soon(TM) and people will be getting shiny little badges if they help out with server costs and such. :)
  6. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor
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    But let's not discourage t-shirt buying! We need moar trident t-shirts in the world!
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