Impending Expiry of Domain

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by JackJack233, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. JackJack233

    JackJack233 Ex-Councillor
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    Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    Our domain will be expiring very soon (within the next week) and will no longer function in any capacity once the expiry goes through. The council and officers have voted on the matter and decided that it is simply a waste of money to renew the domain since it serves little purpose.

    There are a few things that you should all be aware of and check so that you do not receive any service interruption once the domain expires:

    • Ensure you do not have any browser bookmarks pointing to, if you do, change them to
    • Ensure that you have Mumble configured to connect to, not
    • If you have a email address (these were given out to Sergeants+ who requested them), please request a email address in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1598 and then ensure you update it on any sites you use. Your email account will no longer function past the domain expiry. It will not be possible to migrate your old emails to your new account so please ensure to backup any important ones.

  2. DotHacker

    DotHacker Lieutenant
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    aww I'm losing my email D:
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