Final day of Planetside WDS Preseason 2

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ultimatox, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor
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    This is it guys! We have worked and struggled for 3 long weeks to win the WDS for Vanu. Despite an NC overpop on our server we have won both of the first two weeks. To achieve a dominating 3 out of 3 victory, and overall season score victory we need to step it up for one last day and one last night!

    Charge up your batteries and don your spandex, we go to war!

  2. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    We did it guys! Total domination of WDS Pre-Season 2 on Cobalt

  3. JoeJay

    JoeJay Lieutenant
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    We should celebrate by ampibg the WG, but we are on the southwestern one now, right?
  4. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    While not as easy as camping the South East Warpgate, these two rocks do the trick on the South West one

  5. JoeJay

    JoeJay Lieutenant

    Too accessible for Tanks imo :( Get a fleet of Vanguards and bye bye to anything not being a Vanguard...
  6. Great job people! I is proud.
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