Trident Facebook Page Launch

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ron65774, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. ron65774

    ron65774 Lieutenant
    Date Joined:  12/12/2013
    Characters:  ron65774
    Other Games
    Date Joined:  29/03/2016

    After some testing by our sergeants+, the Trident Facebook page has officially launched!

    The page will be used to share important links like official events, Trident-made videos, patch notes, and the like (similarly to Twitter), so feel free to like it!
    Please note that only page admins can post to the page, but everyone can like and comment on those posts (as well as PM the admins).

    To address privacy concerns:
    Liking the page itself will not reveal your identity to anyone that isn't your friend on Facebook. However, if you decide to like or comment on a post, your profile will be visible to anyone browsing the page.

    If you have comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to post them here or PM me.
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