Trident Clans/Guilds in other games

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ultimatox, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor
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    Date Joined:  28/09/2013
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    Date Joined:  29/03/2016
    Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    Greetings Tridentians!

    A few of you have recently asked about the possibility of creating Trident clans/guilds in other games than the ones we have a Division for. That is a great idea, but one that comes with some challenges. We do want to enable you guys to play with other Trident members in all kinds of different games, and having an official Trident thing going provides tons of benefits. At the same time we want to avoid any future issues, drama or potential splitting of the community. So keep in mind that if you start a Trident guild you are agreeing to that the clan/guild becomes an official part of Trident and therefore is not solely under your own control.

    We have therefore created a framework on how we are going to handle all current and future games. The old Rules and Regulations has now become the Trident Charter, and sections have been added regulating how things are going to work.

    Basically there will be 3 different kind of games. So far we have had the Division Games and all the other games that is not a division. We now call this latter kind of game an Unsupported Game. This kind of game will not have any kind of official Trident support or central coordination. Any talk about these games will happen in threads in the Other Games forum. You are of course free to (and encouraged) to gather Tridentians to play together in these games as well, just as we have done so far.

    However today we introduce a third middle category to bridge the gap between Unsupported Games and Division Games; The Supported Game. A Supported Game is a game with an appointed Trident Representative who acts as the leader for that game and handles everything like creating and maintaining any in game clans/guilds etc. The Supported Game also receives it's own subforum under the other games section. If the Supported Game gains enough popularity we may also create a full division for that game in the future.

    Hopefully this will allow organic growth in games to happen more easily instead of the binary solution we have had so far.

    So to create new Supported Games what we really need is some enthusiastic Trident members to take responsibility for them to create a good and including atmosphere for other Trident members to join up. So how do you go about making a Trident Supported game exactly?

    Step by step guide:
    1. Make a request to create the Supported Game to the council by sending a pm to any of the council members.
    2. The Council reviews the request and decides whether the request will be granted or not (please be patient)
    3. Depending on council decision you will now become the Trident Representative for that game
    4. You now create any ingame clan/guild for the game in question (Please note: do not do this beforehand)
    5. As representative you lead the game in the Trident spirit and follow and enforce the outfit code of conduct. You may also create game specific regulations if you feel that it is needed (pending council approval)
    6. If the game gets enough long-term participation by enough Trident members, the council may decide to expand it into a Game Division, in which case a Division Leader will be chosen by the council with input from the Representative (in most cases the Representative will become the Division Leader)
    7. If you ever decide to stop participating in a game you are a representative for, or otherwise feel that you cannot effectively lead it anymore you must inform the council.
    8. Also note that upon council request you may be required to:
      • Promote any council member to equal leadership rank within the game
      • Give control over the ingame clan/guild to a council member
      • Give control over the ingame clan/guild to a council-appointed new Representative or Division leader of the game
    9. Don't forget to have fun! By leading a game you are helping bring Trident members together in more games ;)
  2. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    Oh and if you have any unanswered questions about these changes feel free to ask below!
  3. boTod

    boTod Lieutenant
    PlanetSide 2
    Date Joined:  22/01/2013
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    Date Joined:  29/03/2016

    Great to see this, should encourage smalltime representation
  4. Finally it's out. We've been planning this for so long guys. Thank Ulti for the writeup. Give him love and thanks but not money. He has enough of that already.
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