PS2 Director and Council additions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by JudgeDeath, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. ultimatox

    ultimatox Ex-Councillor
    PlanetSide 2
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    Ex-Councillor (Staff) Donator

    That sounds like unnecessary busywork, not a task that our social media director is supposed to do. why don't you just check @PS2DailyDeals on twitter yourself if you are interested in the daily deals?

    Social media director job is to promote Trident using twitter and facebook. not copy someone elses content from twitter and post on the forums
  2. Omnishoot1

    Omnishoot1 Social Media Director
    PlanetSide 2
    Date Joined:  25/01/2014
    Characters:  Omnishoot1
    Star Citizen
    Date Joined:  27/12/2017
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    Date Joined:  29/03/2016
    Director (Staff)

    You are probably right. It was just an idea because it didnt know what dots job was.
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