Battle events - no NS gear and/or only NS gear?

Discussion in 'Public Discussion' started by DoomPotato, May 29, 2013.

  1. DoomPotato

    DoomPotato Lieutenant
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    Greetings, smurfs, commies and skin-tight purple fashionistas alike. It's great fun killing one another, but have you ever wondered who the real winner of the Auraxis conflict is? Who provides your Sunderers and Liberators? Who makes the C4 which LAs like to throw around like confetti, or the bursters which so many pilots complain about. Who went around building all these nice capturable bases in the first place (hint: let one revert to neutral and look at the faction banner outside)?

    It's those warmongering profiteers at Nanite Systems. No matter who has the upper hand, they just get more and more money from us three hapless factions as we keep printing their designs. Does this military-industrial complex help promote your unity, people of the Terran Republic? Do you like them muscling in on your patch and stealing your profits, businessmen of the New Conglomerate? And shouldn't us beautiful Vanu spandex models stop relying on obsolete, inferior human technology?

    So would anyone be interested in setting a time and place for all three of our factions to fight using only faction-specific equipment, weapons and vehicles? Here's what I think to be the complete list of NS gear:

    (Infantry Weapons)
    -Night Vision scope
    -MAX Bursters

    (Infantry Gear)
    -Repair Tool (we might need to leave this in)
    -Medic Tool (again, we might need to keep this)
    -Ammo Pack (the third thing we need to keep)
    -Spawn Beacons (not sure on whether this should be allowed or not - lacking these puts a real penalty on death)
    -Infiltrator recon darts
    -MANA turrets, both AI and AV
    -Consumable Medkits and Restoration Kits
    -Tank Mines
    -All unlock grenades except the sticky

    -Base Turrets (AV, AI and AA)
    -Drop Pods (these might need to be left in)

    (Vehicle Weapons)
    (Fury and Bulldog are forbidden as well, but don't appear on any empire-specific vehicles)

    (Vehicle Gear)
    -Flares and Smoke
    -Proximity and Scout RADAR

    So, there will be no more bursters or flak turrets to lay waste to your ESFs... but you don't have any flares to stop our shoulder-launched SAMs either. No easy transport between bases either... this would be easier if we wait until they release empire-specific buggies.

    If you don't have a non-NS weapon as a tank secondary, then you'll have to leave the second seat empty.


    The other end of the spectrum is to abandon all pretense of faction loyalty and go with NS gear only - where this list contains the only allowable choices. If you pull a MAX, I hope you like using bursters on ground targets. Infiltrators will not be happy.

    This also means no scopes aside from night-vision and that you can *only* use unlock grenades - no frags or stickies. AP mines are forbidden, as are empire-specific Harasser guns. If you don't have one of the revolvers, no drawing your pistol (Knives can stay).

    Anyone interested?
  2. The idea is great, but I see lots of randoms breaking the rules of engagement strict like that.
  3. Vincentiusx

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    I'm afraid it'd be a little hard to do as well, it'd be nice to do something like this but on a smaller scale
    like limit it to infantry combat at one specific base
  4. Yeah, I know how much we're cutting out of the game like this. The best chance of "success" would be to have the battles on Amerish while there's an alert on Indar or Esamir... even then, there would still be randoms. While we could pick some completely out of the way spot like our Sunderer Battle event, it would be nice to have base capture be a part of things.

    I'm kinda hoping that if we get all 3 factions in on this and organised (invite-only platoons), we would have enough numbers and co-ordination to work around problems (don't spawn on or get in Sunderers, focus fire on enemy burster MAXes that happen to wander in, etc.). And I know that this would be so very easy to mess up. Still, a man can dream...

    EDIT: smaller-scale combat between two bases could work - perhaps more effectively for NS gear only rather than faction-specific gear only.
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